I am very pleased to be able to say that the judging process for this year’s James White Award has now been completed and the winner chosen – to be announced at the BSFA Awards ceremony on Sunday 8 April.

In the meantime I can now announce the full shortlist with the names of the authors.

The shortlisted authors for this year’s James White Award are:

Gaea Denker-Lehrman – “Solvers”
Darren Goossens – “Circle
David McGroarty – “A Traveller from an Antique Land”
CJ Paget – “Invocation of the Lurker”
Sarah Stanton – “Chrysanthemum”
Tori Truslow – “Train in Vain”

Thank you to the JWA judges – Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Juliet E McKenna and Andy Cox and Andy Hedgecock from Interzone and to all the authors who took part. Everyone always says in these things that picking the winner was very difficult, and no one really believes them, but this was a proper, close competition and the final decision really was difficult.

If you go over to the James White website, you can read the opening passages of all six stories and learn a bit more about the shortlisted authors.

The winners will be announced over on the James White Award website on Sunday, or hear it first at the BSFA Awards’ Ceremony if you’re at Eastercon.

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